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In this design I have depicted a suspension bridge that is able to be suspended from a single steel cable passing through the center of the bridge.

  1. It consists of a large rectangular steel block (figure 5.) having a hole through which cable can be passed. 
  2. It consists of a structure (figure 1.) connected to these rectangular steel blocks. 
  3. Aerial view of the bridge is shown in figure 3. 
  4. The reason why this bridge is called spinal bridge is the key point of the design. Just how our ribs transfer the load of our upper body to spinal cord and the spinal cord lifts that load. Similarly the structure shown in figure transfers the load of the bridge to the rectangular steel blocks.
  5. For example; take a long flexible pipe (like nowadays PVC pipes) and pass a rope all the way through it. Two men standing on the either sides of the pipe will be holding the rope coming out from the pipe. Give a little. As a natural phenomenon the pipe would be attracted towards the ground due to its weight. In this case the pipe would sag down from the middle towards the ground under the action of gravity. But if you take the same pipe and rope but this time you divide or cut the pipe into four or more equal parts and then passing the rope through these cut   pipes ; but making sure that the pieces of pipe are placed apart from each other at equal distances. This would make the rope not to sag down from the middle because now the gravity would be attracting the equivalent pieces of pipes separately towards the ground making the rope straight and parallel to the ground.
  6. So on the basis of the phenomenon explained in above example if you construct a bridge by passing large and heavy steel (or steel - concrete composite) material blocks and pass a steel cable through them and keeping them away from each other at equal distances and connect the depicted structure 1. (figure 1)on the either sides of these steel blocks and structure 2. (figure 4) to keep the two steel blocks away from each other at equal distances; then you would have such a bridge that would be able to be suspended from a single steel cable. 
  7. Some specifications of a design depicted in figure 4. are as follows; any structural member can bend from any point but it is more likely that it would bend from the middle. So if you take a ruler and try to bend it ; then it is more probable that it would break from the middle. Therefore keeping in mind the structures mostly bend or break from the middle; an arrangement of steel bars is depicted in figure 4.  which assures the firmness and strength of the bridge. It is actually steel trusses provided to long beams to prop them up and to prevent them from bending. So when the beams AB, AC, BD & CD bend at the points P,Q,R & S due to excessive loading then the beams PQ, PS, QR & RS support them and prevent them from bending. A steel circle having center point O is joined to the beams PQ, PS, QR & RS for extra support and for prevention against bending at points W,X,Y & Z. This will make the beams more strong , load bearing and able to withstand all the forces acting over it. Thus making the bridge stronger than ever and even more lifelong.


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